Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Nenu naa RAMBO(s)...!!

Once upon a time there was this beautiful girl...who had so many interesting friends around her who would be better defined as fans rather than friends. They made her not so bright life into a living circus.

First comes the Muddapappu(MP)...these guys were close for a brief amount of time in the first two years of her graduation...i am not sure i remember how they met but they did. There was a spark when they first met though they failed to observe the spark was moving quite slow. The drama involved (sorry if you were expecting a word close to romance here instead of drama) was so slow that the daily serials in ETV seemed entertaining. Anyways, finally a day came when they wanted to decide if it was love or something else when MP, who is most probably the first person on the right most end on the (fun<----->emotional) line of our species, dumped our girl. This has left our protagonist in shambles. The girl being the person second from right in the above line :P thought of all her miseries since childhood and went into a deep depression.

After a very slow year...she finally made some good friends and stood near the middle of our line (then) and luckily other than a few minor proposals she came out of her college in flying colours and was placed in a big corporate. One thing she failed to notice was one of the guys who proposed his love to her just the day she left her college, Freak. Freak is an energetic guy who is quite the desi. I am sure he would leave the impression of a rough, how do i care guy when you see him. Well, this wouldnt be a nice story if he was that way.

Freak...depressed that he got rejected left our gal and (well since this is a story from the gals side, i am not sure what he did in this gap of around 3-4 months) suddenly called back one fine night. And the converstation goes like this:

gal: hello...(2 secs pause)...hello...(4 secs pause)...hello...(8 secs pause)...
boy/gal on the other side: no reply...CUT

Then she gets an SMS....'Just wanted to hear your voice once and nothing more...!!'

5 mins...our gal being pulled to the right end of the line because of the recent happenings is speechless.

Another sms pops up: 'I still love you and i absolutely can not live without you....' (i can never rephrase such an sms...sorry dude i am not being able to make justice to your emotions here).

Now the gal, our main character, is a little guilty..."What did i do? What went wrong? He was a good friend. ??" and many more thoughts were popping up, confusing her recent organized thoughts...pushing her more to the right end of the line.

I mentioned the recent circumstances were pulling her to the emotional end of the human race. That was because our Muddapappu was back with a bang. This guy moved to the northern part of India, close to the Himalayas (well closer when compared to AP) and guess thats what helped the realization.
Realization part 1: "How the hell did i dump such a sweet beautiful gal?"
Rzn part 2: "How the hell can i find such a cute girlfriend all of a sudden now?" (in plain words Desperate).
He called our gal and tells her how much he loves her. How he can't describe in human language how he misses her?
(Please note 2 things here, MP's realizations are my imagination for the reasons of him coming back which are most probably quite true and this second entry of MP happened concurrently with Freaks second bout of love).

Both Freak and MP have managed to push our gal to the most emotional end of the line almost making her insane from all the emotions. Our gal with all her innocence was trying to find some good friends, incidentally from her training batch in the corporate, to tap out all these comically sad things in her life.

In case you were wondering, how is she still sane? The answer is the narrator who is the 1st guy on the left end of the line and still a few miles away from the second was always balancing all these emotions giving her new perspectives. Anyways, the narrator doesnt intend to take away the focus from the protagonist (one thing he is quite good at) and is going to leave the interference here. :D Also...non-emotional = fun end of the line also comes from a very discriminating thought process of the narrator (me).

So once she found that all the guys and gals (from their first impressions) are cool and she could hang out with them without any worries, she started having fun again.

This is exactly when the third character, Kinges (no typo here) arrived. This guy has a unique way of flirting. He comes to our main character in the breaks and tells her 'I love you'. Then he again tells her, 'hey, i am telling you many things i feel like. dont mind' or something like that. They had training sessions which mostly spanned 9 hours or a little more and our gal had to hear this guys 'never mind' words again and again.

I guess the group dinners and lunches were the worst when the never mind Kinges keeps mumbling some smart filmisshhtyle totally witless love words when the super possessive MP calls up to scold her for going out with all these GUYS when she shud have been a good girl staying home (this guys seriously needs to go a lot closer to himalayas) and an occasional call (no speech from other side and a new number every time) or sms from our Freak have made  our frens life a living hell.

This is when two superb occasions happened.
1. A team dinner at a nice pub with free drinks.
2. a full team outing to a nearby hill station.

Kinges was at the peak of his romantic mumbling on occasion one and spurted out some non-sense that pushed our protagonist into the deep valley after the right end of the Fun<->Emo rope.
Occasion two has brought out a new fan whose heart blossomed into a full beautiful flower during the trip.
Rock Star Liberty (RosLee) has arrived into the the club with a bang.
Even though this smart guy's attention was a little short lived it kind of had a permanent effect.
Haa not on the gal or someone else but it stays becoz he shared all his interest (while guessing) online. :P

While all these super human lover squad was busy making our protagonist's life more happening than any other gal of that age group, our friend too wasn't planning to stay low.

This is when a small flower has bloomed in the gal's heart when see first saw Nobel Winner (yaa thats his name) who works in another department. She put her part of effort to gain the attention of this very handsome guy. Her true friends helped her gathering more information and things were going great till the routine loving Fate played its part and our Nobel winner sir turned out to be a great known player.

This was when that beautiful weekend arrived. Its now time for me to do some justice to the title.

Our gals fren, Light (another gal, wanted to name her as lightning but lite) has arrived from a nearby metro. Light who graduated from one of the premier institutes in our great country summoned upon the hero of the nether world (the institute i mean), one and only Rambooo...!!

Light and Rambo carry along with them the great attitude they gained from their great hardships in the nether world and that meeting is when our hero Rambo laid his eyes on the protagoninst.

Rambo is a one guy who was born to serve all the ladies he know or meets and even total strangers. You may ask what about guys, i am sure this guy has been presented with a vision that can only see gals. Sick or lucky doesnt matter here. Here is a question to you readers. How would you plan to meet a gal you like next time? (given that she is going to come to a place you call). I can think of two answers Coffee or Dinner. Rambo is above the human race here, this guy has invited our fren to meet for breakfast and many such happening events since then.

This guy has (in my idea) a big book full of maps on how to please a gal. It shud be having a great number of plans you can make with a gal. He is a genius in making these plans and just does it in his free time. Yet, trust me you can never guess how good or elaborate these plans are. Well, that can be because of two reasons (two again...god somehow two got stuck to me today)...1. he has lots of free time, 2. he never used a plan he previously made because he never had a proper girl friend. (again my imagination or not) :P.

Well, this guys sms's awesome plans each day to ask for our gals company. But as you can see from all the super experiences and the live circus our gal sees daily she never replies to the 50+ odd sms's she gets each day. In case you were wondering 50+ (wtf), well, thats how detailed his plans are. Ha haa...!!

So, now there is this good friend (a guy again) of this girl who kind of understands these guys or atleast how to escape these kind of guys, suggested our friend to completely ignore MP and Freak (easy suggestion since they are like a 1000kms away). Then there's Kinges who was a little fine after a nice class from our fren and Roslee who most probably shifted his attention to someone else...both these are now ignorable though they meet daily. But guess they are more frens than fans now.

If you were thinking..."AaaaH...the heat has finally cooled down..!!" This is when MP and Freak are back with a bang. Thats also because its the birthday of our super cute friend and protagonist, the gal.

Since the gal is on a complete ignore program she didnt take 4-5 calls from Freak (also because they were simply unknown numbers :P) and thats when the ultra powered character entered the show. The adopted sister (friend who is kind of sister like) of Freak, Freakess (like princess) called and the gal unfortunately took the call. Freakess freaked out and scolded the gal (totally dumbstruck as the situation demands) for not taking calls from Freak and she cant see how depressed the rough desi freak became. Thats when there was a beep (the gal cut the line). The next call was from a different number (how do they manage to get so many new numbers) and this time it was Freakess questioning the dare (intelligence) of the gal when she cut her call. CUT. (the gal is a wiser now from the guidance from a good friend :P).

Also at the same time, MP has sent the gal a beautiful present. An idea thats hard to perceive. He sent her a poster of his and her photo side by side along with a coffee mug printed with the same. I leave the part of what he wanted her to see from the gifts to you. But i did get another rare idea when i heard about this. I thought it would be good if i started a merchandise (t-shirts, mugs, photoframes etc) with the same poster which all the common and uncommon friends would wear..with a caption..."Pray for their love".

Imagine what all other fans especially Freak and Rambo would do if they saw a stranger wearing that tee.

In case you people are waiting for an ending or a climax to all this fan stuff, you are not going to get it today. Since, this isnt just some move or an imagination but simply life. In case you have a question how i am involved in this story...well you can say i am a keen observer who is thoroughly entertained. Also, if you are wondering if this all realty...i would like to quote..."Truth is stranger than fiction" and when there is truth there are lies. Its part realty and part fiction. Leave your comments.