Sunday, December 13, 2009

Whats required for a healthy way of life?

If you are expecting a serious lesson on the above topic you are wrong. This is about a very unconventional way in which i got into a healthy routine.

First what my life was like in India:

Wake up at around 1030. Get ready slowly in about an hour and then have a quick breakfast (dosa, poori or mysore bhajji most of the times) and reach office by 12 (i know very late). I am not at all motivated here. Anyways, I have lunch around 2PM and a very heavy meal when it comes to it. Evening arnd 8 i leave home, watch some tv till subhash is home and both subhash and bharat are ready for dinner. After that i wait another 30 minutes till i feel hungry and then go have dinner and return arnd 11. We play cards for an hour and i watch some anime, comics, browse net for another 2 hours and finally sleep between 2 and 3 AM.

If you have observed there is no exercise and you can imagine what my weekends are like. I skip breakfasts and wake up for lunch and parties or movies in the night and junk food all day.

My parents hated this and always wanted me to change my lifestyle but you know the inertia if you are part of the 75% (my guess) of software engineers these days.

Now, whats my life like in the USA last few days:

I wake up at arnd 530AM and get out of bed by 630. Get fresh in about 30 mins and have bread, buttter, fruits and a cup of milk/tea for breakfast. By 830 i am in office and have a lite home prepared meal (little rice and vegetables or a subway). I cant eat out side in Puerto Rico as i am strictly a vegetarian (wish i wasn't). Anyways, by 6 in the evening i am back in the apartment and i either go to gym or pool (both just outside the apartment). At around 8 i cook a small meal and by 9 i am done eating. I browse net for sometime, watch some videos and sleep by 1030.

If you were my parents, you wouldnt be able to read further as your eyes are full of tears and you are so happy that your child is in the right path after all these years.

Well, i tried to analyse the reason for this big change in such a short time.

The first and foremost reason i could find is JET LAG. That set the ticker right in my brain. LOL.
Second the availability of a pool and gym so close and also the number of people using them.

So, i may not be able to continue this once i am back but lets be optimistic and let me continue this while i am here atleast.

Coming up next....few cooking tips for vegetarian bachelors abroad.


Unknown said...

hahaha.......nice n good for u..i know how u inspired to jump into the pool .........

rockkk said...
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Prem Kumar Thogiti said...

Ohh my god......adi, Is it you doing all these? Dont lie for the sake of blog...

Any way, have a rope before you jump into the pool :)