Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ramayana For Geeks

Well, i am not sure if anyone ever got/heard/seen this idea but today i was thinking if Ramayan were to happen in Cyber age it would be like this.


Scene 1 - After training under VishwaMithra when he comes looking for anti-hackers to stop the demonic hackers from disturbing his website to spread peace.

Scene 2 - Ram and Laskhmana are trained in all possible legacy, front-end, back-end, open source and all other softwares, databases and are also given hardware training and they save the first website.

Scene 3 - Janaka's young daughter Sita hacks easily while playing video games into his super-computer gifted to him by lord Siva and he decides that it is time to find the groom for her and announces a swayamvaram.

Scene 4 - Ram, raavan and few other princes come to the competetion. It is announced that the person who can hack into the super computer is to be married to Sita. Ram not only manages to hack the computer but also corrupts its root directory and OS. :P Ram and Sita get married.


Scene 1 - Ram is about to be made the CEO of his SW company (largest in India)
Kaikeyi forces Dasarath to send Ram into a start up company and asks for Bharata to be made the CEO instead.

Scene 2 - Bharata comes to the start-up and requests Ram to return but Ram refuses and instead takes back a portable drive from Ram which has all the necessary whatever to run the company. :)


Scene 1 - Ram, Sita and Lakshmana are very happy in their startup and they set up a virtual network in which they spend their days. They are very proud of the virtual world they created. This is a high level system in which the mind travels into the virtual world (something like matrix) and the body dies if someone dies in side the system.

Scene 2 - Surpanaka hacks into the system and tries to seduce the brothers but the hurt her badly. Thats when Ravana decides to enter the scene. He guises as a tester, enters the virtual world and kidnaps and locks away Sita's consciousness in a remote server.
While transporting this data to the remote server the firewall controlled by Jatayu tries to stop it but is burnt.
Also, Sita leaves the data traces with Hanuman while being transported.


Ram helps the hack-war between Vaali and Sugreeva and Sugreeva sets his army of data-trackers to find out the location of the remote server where sita is locked.
Angada and Hanuman return with successful return values from a server in Lanka.


Hanuman is on a mission to Lanka to find the exact spot of the server and also to scout the defences there.
Sita give a unique identifier key to Hanuman and he returns this data to Ram. Hanuman,annihilates a big part of Lankan servers, firewalls and other softwares during his trip there.


Once in Lanka, Ram and others enter the virtual world to fight Ravana and get back Sita's conscience. This is when Lakshmana is set in a special hardware based lock. Thats when Hanuman is sent to get a special China made key to break that lock and Hanuman gets the whole mountain of keys to unlock as he couldnt tell the exact key.

Finally, after knowing the special hack key to fighting Ravana in the Virtual world in Lanka from Vibhishana, Ram defeats Ravana and returns to Ayodhya with Sita.

Ramayana has always been one of my favourite stories to tell. Unlike Mahabharata which has many side stories and a zillion tracks going on in parallel, Ramayana is much simple and straight-forward.

We did a Ramayana skit in engineering 1st year for our freshers party and it was a modern musical and we thoroughly enjoyed rehearsing, making and writing a screenplay for that.
Given a chance i would love to bring out my own animated feature on Ramayana some day.

Well, this is what it might sound like some years later. I wrote this in minimal time and hence you can imagine/improvise the rest from this. Well, i hope you guys enjoyed this. Leave your comments.



kalhan said...

Good one...

Ms. Soujanya said...

very relevant script ! well am sure Wachowski's wud be loving to adopt this piece for their nxt version of 'matrix' ! Plz try to refer my name for enacting any of the programed charater.

vaishnavi@climatechange said...

WOW the imagination is awesome.Very much fits for immediate usage.A very well written plot.

absurdAds said...

thanks a lot everyone.. :) :)